Frequently Asked Questions  

I Paid for the Sewing Machine Manual, but I didn't get it!
This is the most commonly asked question. The most common solution is to check your junk mail. If you purchase a manual from us, you should expect to receive the link within about 10 minutes - never longer. If you have checked your junk mail, please also check to be sure that you gave PayPal the correct email address! This is the second most common reason for people not getting their downloads. If you gave paypal the wrong email address, the only way you can get the manual is to contact us (see button to the right).

I downloaded the manual, but Adobe says the file is corrupted...
If you try to open the PDF file before it is done downloading, you might get this messge. The file needs to be completely downloaded before you try and open it. This occasionally happens to people who have slow internet connections.To solve the problem, try downloading the manual again, and WAIT for the file to be completely downloaded before you try and open it.

Do you have the manual for?..
We advertise all of the manuals that we posess on our website. One good way to search our page is to press the "control" key and the letter "F" at the same time (this is for "find"). Then, you can type in the all or part of the name of the sewing machine manual that you are searching for. If you are on a macintosh, press the "command" key instead of the "control" key. Nevertheless, please let us know if you cannot find the manual that you are looking for. It is possible that you missed it on our web page.

When are you going to MAIL the manual?
As stated on our page, our sewing machine manuals are for download only. That is how we offer them at such a low price. After you pay for the sewing machine manual, you are sent a link that allows you to download the manual onto your computer. Once you do that, you can view the manual forever. You can save it on your computer, or you can print it to paper if you like.

I cannot open the Sewing Machine Manual File...
You will need common software to open the documents we sell on our site.  That software is free, and already present on most computers.  If you don't already have the software, you can download it for free from Adobe.

Will this manual work for?..
Try looking at the previews.  If the images match what you are looking for, then the download will probably be correct. 

I Still Need Help. How Do I Contact You?
Click This Link to contact us. Please be sure to include your phone number and your name so it is easy for us to reach you. Also, be careful to ensure that you enter the correct email address in the box. Too often, customers have entered the wrong email address and no phone number, only to be surprised when they didn't hear back from us. Please don't be one of those people!

Still Need Help? Contact Us